A few months ago, Jonathan Ferrar were reflecting on the challenges facing the people analytics leaders that we each regularly speak to. We concluded that even in organisations that have developed capability in people analytics, we both get regularly asked three questions: How can I improve my impact? How can I create more value? What should I focus on?
This prompted Jonathan and me to create the Nine Dimensions for Excellence in People Analytics model, which is now being used by many organisations to help drive increased impact in the discipline of people analytics.
As Jonathan’s article, which was published today on myHRfuture explains, the nine dimensions are grouped into three categories: foundational aspects (governance, methodology and stakeholders), resources (skills, technology and data), and value (workforce experiences, business outcomes and culture).
In our experience, companies that have advanced capabilities across each of the nine dimensions are the ones that are enjoying the most benefit from people analytics, and also the ones driving the field forward.
Head over to myHRfuture to read: Nine Dimensions for Excellence in People Analytics.
If you are a people analytics leader who wants to find out more, please get in touch.